| Andong(Cordyline fruticosa (L) A. Cheval.) |
Sinonim : Asperagus terminalis L. Cordyline terminalis (L.) Kunth. |
Familia : Agavaceae (Liliaceae). |
PERDU fork; high 2-4 m. Twigs with the leaves of deciduous former shaped ring. Leaves of twigs on the edge with dense spiral layout; fuller form of a rod, line of leaf blade or lancet, 20-60 times 1-13 cm, with a base of the wedge-shaped and spire, green or red or lorek. Malai interest in the armpit leaves, bertangkai long, broad divide, with the patron leaves a large base of the branch. Child protective leaves on a small base of interest. Leaf flower tents 6, aft, 1.3 cm long, 3 on the outside bottom half of the inherent, with the closely in the top off the curve and forth again. Stamen 6, stuck in the flower tent. Head 3 taju short pistil. Fruit buni ± of the ball, shiny red. Shiny black seeds. From East Asia. In the garden fence and, in the grave; 1-1900 m. The leaves are used.
Local Name:
NAME Regional Air juwang, Laklak (Aceh); Kalinjuhang Katunggal, Linjuang, Si linjuang (Batak); Anjiluwang, Jiluwang, Lanjuwang, Linjuwang (Paarl); Anderuwang (IL); Renjuwang, S, Sawang (Dayak); Hanjuwang (Sunda) ; Andong, Endong (Java); Andong, Endong, Handwang (BaIi); Tabongo (Gr); vanillin, Series (Ms.); Panyaureng, Series (BG); Ai hurry (Sr.); Weluga, Werusisi, Wersingin (Ab) ; Yasir (IJ); Pitako (Hm). FOREIGN NAME: NAME SIMPLISIA Cordylinae Folium; Leaf Andong.
The disease can be Treated:
SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS to chill. KHASIAT Hemostatik and anti-swelling.
1.Batuk blood.
3.Haid too many.
4.Wasir bleeding.
RAMUAN AND measure
Coughing up blood, menstruation is too much
Andong fresh leaves 5 sheets
Adequate water
Ways of making:
Doofus made, be, or dipipis.
How to use:
1 drink a day 100 ml. To urinate, diminurn 1 day 1 / 4 cup.
The duration of treatment:
Repeated until healed.
Andong fresh leaves 3 pieces
Wungu fresh leaves of 7 pieces
Adequate water
Ways of making:
How to use:
Drunk 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, every time you drink 1 / 4 cup.
The duration of treatment:
Repeated for 14 days.
Chemical content of Steroida, saponin, liquid polysacharide checkers.