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Senin, 20 Oktober 2008
Adem Ati

Adem Ati

(Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.D. Robins.)

Sinonim :
Litsea chinensis Lamk. Litsea littoralis (L.) Vill.

Familia :

The form of trees, can reach high 10 meters. Wooden fork and stem-branch. Single leaf, ellipse shape, color green, and fuzzy. Perbungaan form tassel, the crown of flowers creamy. Fruit round, young green fruit, after the old black. The color of brown roots in the young. Used the root, bark, and leaves.

Local Name:
REGIONAL NAME: hurly stone, hurly beusai, hurly tangkalak, Madang, cotton (SD); Adem liver, small Kapu, Nyampu wingka, Wuru shard (JW). FOREIGN NAME: NAME SIMPLISIA Litseae glutinosae Radix; root Adem ATI respectively. Litseae glutinosae Cortex; Skin wood Adem ATI respectively. Litseae glictinosae Folium; Leaf Adem ATI respectively.

The disease can be Treated:
Specific nature of sweet, bitter, and refrigerate. KHASIAT Anti-inflammation, analgesic, and hemostatik.

Functionality In Public
1. Diarrhea.
2. Diabetes.
3. Enteritis.
4. Inflammation of the skin fester (drugs outside).

Bark and leaves (outside medicine):
1. Ulcer;
2. Bleeding wound;
3. Tranquilizer;
4. Inflammation of the skin fester;
5. Inflammation of the breast;

RAMUAN AND measure


Adem Ati root 5 grams
4 leaves of a fresh sheet
140 ml water

Ways of making:
Created Doofus.

How to use:
Drunk 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, drinking every 100 ml.

Diarrhea, enteritis
Adem root Ati 6 grams
Turmeric fresh roots 6 grams
Ai 110 ml

Ways of making:
Doofus or can be made.

How to use:
1 drink a day 100 ml.

The duration of treatment:
Repeated for 3 days (diarrhea), 14 days (Inflammation of intestine). If the symptoms do not show is recommended for healing to the doctor.

Inflammation Skin fester, Breast Inflammation, Luka, and boil
Skin wood / leaf fresh Adem Ati adequate
Leaves adequate Sambilata
Adequate water

Ways of making:
Dipipis to form a paste.

How to use:
Justify paste on the skin of the patient. Before dibaluri with the pasta, should be cleaned with warm water first.

The duration of treatment:
Updated every 3 hours.
Alkaloid (fenantrena groups and aporfina), flavonoida, tanin, polifenol, and essential oil.
posted by global article @ 03.14  
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