| Awar Awar(Ficus septica Burm.L) |
Sinonim : Ficus hauili Blanco, Ficus casearia F. v. Mueller ex Benth, Ficus kaukauensis Hayata. |
Familia : Moraceae |
Trees or bushes, the portrait 1-5 meters. The main stem bent crooked, soft, round astigmatism twigs, hollow, leafless, sticky clear. Penumpu leaves of a single, large, very spiny leaves of a single, bertangkai, take turns sitting or opposite leaves, bertangkai 2.53 cm. Blade round egg or ellipse, with a round base, narrow enough blunt edge, the edge average, 9-30 times 9-16 cm, from the shiny dark green, with many spots that pale, down from the green that left the right side bone leaves the middle with 6-12 leaves next to the bone; both the bone leaves glaring because the color of pale. Flower pot pair compound layout, bertangkai short, the pangkaInya with 3 patron leaves, light green or gray green, not less than the diameter of 1.5 cm, in some plants are male flowers and flower GAL, on the other female flowers. Fruit type pot, beefy, green-gray green, a diameter of 1.5 - 2 cm. Time flowering January - December. This many plants found in Java and Madura; grow in areas with altitude of 1,200 m above sea level, many found in roadside bushes and forests open.
Local Name:
REGIONAL NAME: Betel popar (Ambon) Tagalolo, Bei, Loloyan (Minahasa); Ki ciyat (Sunda); awar awar (Java); Bar-abar (Madura); awar awar (AK); Tobotobo (Paarl); Dausalo (Bugis ); Bobulutu (North Halmahera); Tagalolo (Thornton). FOREIGN NAME: Papua New Guinea: omia (Kurereda, Northern Province), manibwohebwahe (Wagawaga, Milne Bay), bahuerueru (Vanapa, Central Province). Philippines: hauili (Filipino), kauili (Tagalog), sio (Bikol). NAME SIMPLISIA Fici septicae folium; leaves awar-awar
The disease can be Treated:
Leaf Ficus septica can hamper the growth of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli in in vitro, the test results bioautografi reported that 4 g awar awar leaf extract soluble in Metanol can hamper the growth of bacteria. Antofin (5 g) had as antibakteri (B. subtillis, M flavus and E. Coli)
Leaves used for medicinal skin disease, appendicitis, the ulcer, rattlesnake bites and breathlessness.
Root used to poison bidder (fish), countering asthma; in addition, the leaves can cause vomiting.
Rubber used to overcome the swollen and headaches.
Fruit to purge.
To treat boils:
5 sheet leaves washed and finely course is Yes; plus adequate salt, and then used as a compress on the boil (1-2 times a day).
These plants contain alkaloida, namely, among others (-)-tilosrebrin (hauptalkaloid), tiloforin, septisin, and antofin, it contains flavonoida.