Metatah - Mepandes - Cut Tooth according to the Hindu aims to reduce the influence of Ripu Sad in the children themselves.
Metatah facilities - Mepandes - Cut Tooth:
1. Sajen sorohan and for the testimony of a holy shaula alnilam setianegara to Hyang Wasa.
2. Sajen pabhyakalan prayascita, panglukatan tools to cut the teeth and equipment such as the mirror, dental tool sharpener, for rurub cloth and a ring and gems, beds, which have been decorated.
3. Sajen PERAS daksina, ajuman and canang essence, coconut ivory and a trophy.
4. Pengganjal tool made from pieces of wood Dadap. Later use sugar cane, so that more tasty.
5. Pengurip-urip consisting of turmeric and pecanangan complete with its contents.
Metatah ceremony - Mepandes - Cut Tooth conducted by Pandita / Pinandita 'and assisted oieh a sangging (as the direct).
Metatah ceremony - Mepandes - Cut Tooth implemented after increasing adult children, but should before the child is married. In certain circumstances can also be carried out after it.