Api Takep is closed in the skin of coconut fiber dicakupkan that intersect in (the virgin sites form the core of the Swastika), functioning as Pengharmonis, cleaning and purifying the environment. Takep fire, we often find dibali establishment at the time of the ritual. But this fire Takep start slowly menyurut if we observed at the time rerahinan Kajeng Kliwon, especially in urban areas. Perhaps because of the difficult search for coconut fiber to fire takep or did not know its function so that many people tend to find that the fire corrector takep enough replaced it with incense. In both functions are not the same. Incense smoke function as a means to deliver application / mantras. Fire Takep shaped virgin sites, which is the core of the Swastika. Energy, which will be formed Swastika that rotates to carry out their duties. Usually the nucleus of the Energy stayed Pendetanya as Brahma, dressed in a silvery-white perakan. And in general, we know that every Kajeng kliwon occurred disharmoni energy Cosmos vibrasinya that will also take effect on humans and the environment. Its most people in the city more than the problem with rural people, such as: adolescent mischief, drugs, crime and so forth. Perhaps one of the causes negative energy that has brought bad thoughts The only thought we were without our ban. With this simple ritual, which is expected, we can prevent the problem more complex. And is expected to clear the mind, we can take the decision for ourselves and the environment.