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Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008 |
Article History Harley Davidson |
Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Company is a leading public company in the world to move in the automotive industry with spesialisai motorcycle. Located in the arid areas of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, state, the United States.   HISTORY Harley Davidson started from the actual intention of William Harley and Arthur Davidson continue to support the idea, Sylvester Howard Roper begin until Gottlieb Daimler. ''The aim is very simple: that can devour rise in the Milwaukee area, Wisconsin,''said William and Arthur. Compare this with the desire Roper and Daimler. Roper developed the first time on a motorcycle in 1868. Motor is using the steam engine. Although the creation of Roper not welcome the broad, a number of the idea, such as the gas pedal in hand, many adopted the motor of the future. In addition to vigorous steam engine, Roper also create a two-cylinder engine equipped with charcoal. Meanwhile, Gottlieb Daimler is considered as the first person who really created the motorcycle in 1885. However, recently, Daimler more intense on four-wheeled vehicles. He was known as Karl Benz with persekutuannya form Daimler-Benz Corporation, a car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz. When Harley Davidson and start a business, a number of other important breakthroughs are being held. Henry Ford is experimenting to create the first car. Wright family also are preoccupied with the concept of the aircraft. As we know, Ford and Wright eventually successful. Ford Model T car with her, and Wright stub with the initial development of aircraft. On the other hand, Harley Davidson and successfully created an important icon in the history of two-wheeled vehicles. Innovation is the most important engine berkonfigurasi V, who later also known as the Knucklehead, Panhead, Shovelhead, Evolution, until the Twin Cam. This machine recently become a reference for other companies, especially from Japan, in making large motorcycle. Start with 60 cc engines  Harley Davidson and start this long journey in 1903, the age when they are still in the early 20s. Results of utak-atik two young children is one cylinder engine with a capacity of 60 cc. The road and can successfully climb through the easy. Later, because of this success, two brothers Arthur, Walter and William Davidson, joined participate. Two years later, they agreed to institutionalize their business is in the Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Co.. When standing, the company that produces three units of new motorcycles. The third motor is generated from the''factory''in the home owned by the Davidson family. Called the factory is a small cottage behind the house the family Davidson.  In 1906, the company is moving to Juneau Avenue, occupy the room more spacious. Because more freely, that old Harley-Davidson can produce 150 units a motorcycle. Most of the motor they purchased the local police. The reason, Harley-Davidson motorcycles can be a speed high enough, and frisky. Six years after standing, Harley-Davidson introduced the two-cylinder engine configuration with a V angle 45 degrees. The engine capacity is 49.5 cubic inches (about 790 cc) and can generate about seven-horse power. With the machine, the speed of 60 miles per hour can be achieved. When the Harley-Davidson I think the engine model is one of the lines so characteristic their products. The same year, Harley-Davidson successfully cut the number of production units of 1000, exactly 1,149 units. Competition from other factories began to feel, two years later. It successfully Harley-Davidson factory became an inspiration for others to start a business. In 1911, most do not appear around 150 brand motorcycle. They will certainly be a competitor Harley-Davidson, though not heavy-weight correct. Goodbye, Harley-Davidson is not difficult to increase production. In 1913, when the factory is expanded, Harley-Davidson production reached almost 13,000 units. The amount of the increase again during the period 1916 to 1918, to around 20,000 units. This is mainly because the United States Government to order the two-wheeled vehicles for the needs of World War I. The Great them Abuse  MEMASUKI 1920s, Harley-Davidson motorcycle factory into the largest in the world, with total production of 28,189 units. To market its products, the Harley-Davidson has agents in 67 countries. In this decade, Harley-Davidson introduced a number of innovations. V engine capacity is developed into 74 cubic inches (about 1,184 cc). Gas tank design eye drops of water introduced in 1925. In 1928, Harley-Davidson motorcycles equipped starting front brake. All achievement is enough capital to become Harley-Davidson in the face of The Great Abuse, economic recession in 1933. Although the number of production decreased to 3,700 units, Harley-Davidson is able to survive. Another motorcycle manufacturer that is also survived Indian. These companies then became the only competitor Harley-Davidson until the 1950s. When depression is completed, Harley-Davidson direct tancap gas. They introduced the EL model with a 976 cc engine capacity. This model of the machine as popular as Knucklehead. With Knucklehead, Harley-Davidson rose slowly. At 1936, the number of Harley-Davidson production reached 9,812 units.  World War II to bring blessings, I also become a new landmark for the history of Harley-Davidson. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the entire production capacity of Harley-Davidson motorcycle allocated to the interests of Allied troops. The needs of consumers civil abandoned it. During 1941-1945, approximately 90,000 units of Harley-Davidson created a series of WML. For that achievement, Harley-Davidson medalist''E''from the United States Navy. After the war, Harley-Davidson to open the spigot back production sipilnya. Hey, many veterans of the war attracted the performance of the motor, and want to restore the romantics in Harley-Davidson. Thousands of units of Harley-Davidson, both production after the war and the old model, shifting to the home of the veteran, embryo fanatical fans Harley-Davidson. Compete with Indian IN 1948 Harley-Davidson production to be 31,163 units. That year, Harley-Davidson re-introduce new innovations, the engine 74 cubic inches equipped with hydraulic lifters Valve and aluminum cylinder head. The machine is called Panhead because silindernya headgear resembles a frying pan upside. Entering the 1950s, second generation starts to become a founder of the family motor company. When to celebrate the anniversary, 50, Harley-Davidson lived alone in the United States motorcycle market. Traditional competitors, the Indian, have gone out of business. In 1957, Harley-Davidson Sportster The introduce, which is called a "Father of the Superbikes, biangnya large motorcycle. A year later, Harley-Davidson introduced the Duo Glide, which use hydraulic rear suspension to complement the front suspension fork to use the model.  Next, in 1963, Harley-Davidson to adopt the use of fiberglass in the motor-motornya. For the purposes of this, they buy 60% shares Tomahawk Boat Manufacturing Co., manufacturer of fiberglass in Wisconsin. Year 1950-1960 also marked with the presence of a community bikers, who introduced the culture of motorcycle rider. They readily identified because the skin jacket, full of tattoos, and the long-haired. The image of Wild Ones is introduced by Marlon Brando film titled the same. Community official Harley-Davidson established its own new in 1983, with the name Harley Owner Group (HOG). This is a community owner Harley-Davidson's largest, which is supported directly by the manufacturer. Currently, the number of members of HOG approaching one million people in the world. Due to mergers dark period  IN 1965, Harley-Davidson incoming exchange. Four years later, the American Machine and Foundry (AMF) conducting mergers with Harley-Davidson. However, the merger is considered a dark period in the history of the Harley-Davidson. Parties, in 1970 and 1980, motorcycles made in Japan that the price is very cheap to enter the market. When Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and the United States entered the market, market of Harley-Davidson down drastically. From the original 80% in 1969, to 20% ten years later. The decline in market share is stifling make a number of executive Harley-Davidson. They also seek to save company. To restore the Harley-Davidson to khitahnya, they submit the proposal to Citicorp. With the support fund of U.S. $ 80 million from Citicorp, they buy back the shares governable AMF (Citicorp to sell shares, Heller Financial Corporation in 1986). Concept and philosophy of production and sales Harley-Davidson also improved. Originally, Harley-Davidson motorcycle is a product that is affordable and easy to use and modify. That changed with the Harley-Davidson makes the product expensive and difficult onderdilnya sought. To change a light background, for example, the owner of Harley-Davidson motorcycles can not just buy batoknya. But must buy the whole sepatbornya.  In addition to Marlon Brando, a number of celebrities made Harley-Davidson motorcycle parts from their appearance. Both the width of the screen, display glass, and in daily life. In 1956, Elvis Presley, the King of Rock 'n' Roll, and a Harley-Davidson motorcycle into the Enthusiast magazine. Mid-1990, Arnold Schwarzeneger appear with the Harley-Davidson in the Terminator movies. Action Lorenzo Lamas and the Harley-Davidson Softail bertangki gasoline with yellow flame red in the movie serial Renegade also become a favorite spectacle at the end of 1990. Recently, actor Keanu Reeves distribute 12 units of Harley-Davidson, the total price of U.S. $ 200,000, to all the nation instead of film matrix reloaded. According to Reeves, this is the receipt of the Stuntman to love it. Reputation Hell's Angels and Modifications Arlen Ness  OTHER THAN celebrities, there is another group of bikers who triggered the popularity of Harley-Davidson motorcycle, the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club. Hell's Angels club first established in Berdoo, California. There is literature that mentioned that the embryo is a group of club Pissed Off Bastards in Fontana, California. Hell's Angels across to the famous Zagat (there are 100 chapter at the world and third in the United States). However, at the same time very mysterious. New Ralph''Sonny''Barger, through the book, entitled Hell's Angel, who can recount their long lunge. Sonny members own the club. Hell's Angels''is a set of men willing to die friends any peril,''said Sonny. Although impressed exclusive, the Hell's Angels clearly significant. ''They are a pioneer modifications Harley-Davidson motor into grim,''said Sonny. The name Hell's Angels became more popular after the incident at the Rolling Stones concert, November 1969. In concert at the Altamont Raceway, the Stones ask the Hell's Angels became the satpam. Concert colored incident when someone is having peak up to the stage while gun point. A member of Hell's Angels tertembak. Berpistol the dead men being members of the other Hell's Angels. Besides Hell's Angels, the name of Arlen Ness also can not be separated from the travel Harley-Davidson. Ness is a craftsman accessory special Harley-Davidson. Ness used as a reference for fans in the Harley-Davidson to customize motornya. Ness started the business in his home garage in 1967. Ness capital at that time a unit of Harley-Davidson bought with money won the tournament bowling results. Motor was not long survive with the original design. With capital paints, paint Ness reset the motor. Works and then brought to a successful tournament and awarded first. Great more from Intel and General Electric After that, many pengecatan order flow. All orders done Ness began the afternoon until late night. The Ness is still so office workers. Finally, the work is released Ness. In 1973, Larry Kauferman, Custom Bike magazine editor, to see the creation Ness. According to him, Ness have the uniqueness that is not owned pemodifikasi other. Ness and entranced not only in the affairs of paint, paint. He penetrated to the creation of accessories and engine modifications and sasis. In the spare part to create a custom,''Ness holds the grip always innovate, never imitate''. From the Custom Bike magazine, Ness faces appear in magazines such as Hot Bike, Easy Rider, American Iron, and more. During the nearly 1000 years, Harley-Davidson engine cooling system to maintain their traditional, namely the air. New in October 2001, Harley-Davidson introduced the V-Rod, which uses water as cooling the engine. V-Rod is the result of collaboration with the Harley-Davidson Porsche.  Launching the V-Rod is related to the business Harley-Davidson seize young market that the United States attracted heavy Italian-made Ducati motorcycles, which are considered to have a design section. In addition, Harley-Davidson also seeks seize young European markets, which prefer motor-made BMW. Answer Harley-Davidson motorcycle that is a whole body diluluri krom and aluminum. Motor worth U.S. $ 17,000 it has 110 staff horse. Because the cooling water, the engine can be forced to lap high. This makes the V-Rod can be up to 225 kilometers per hour. V-Rod proved able to stand in line thinking. Eddie Irvine, Formula 1, is one. Just a few days after the launch of the V-Rod, Irvine has Wara-wiri in the car park a motor circuit with this. Last year, Forbes magazine oust Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Co. as the''Company of the Year''. According to Forbes, the year that many companies are dismal steady cook, but Harley-Davidson to record sales growth of 15% to U.S. $ 3.3 billion. Revenue also increased to 26% to U.S. $ 435 million. Shares of the company managing 8,000 employees in the bourses increased by 41% in 2001, when the indicator stock S & P recorded a decrease of 15%. In fact, since the incoming stock in 1986, the annual income of Harley-Davidson rose 37%. And since Harley-Davidson incoming stock, the shares have increased 15,000%. Compare with Intel, for example, the''only''recorded an increase of 7,200%. Or General Electric of 1,056%. Label: |
posted by global article @ 05.29  |
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Artikel Sejarah Harley Davidson |
Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Company merupakan perusahaan publik terkemuka di dunia yang bergerak di bidang industri otomotif dengan spesialisai sepeda motor. Terletak di wilayah yang gersang Milwaukee, Wisconsin, negara bagian Amerika Serikat. SEJARAH Harley Davidson sebenarnya dimulai dari niat William Harley dan Arthur Davidson meneruskan ide para pendahulunya, mulai Sylvester Howard Roper sampai Gottlieb Daimler. ''Tujuannya pun sangat sederhana: supaya bisa melahap tanjakan yang ada di daerah Milwaukee, Wisconsin,'' kata William dan Arthur. Bandingkan ini dengan keinginan Roper dan Daimler. Roper mengembangkan motor pertama kali pada 1868. Motor ini menggunakan mesin uap. Walau ciptaan Roper tak mendapat sambutan luas, sejumlah idenya, seperti pedal gas di tangan, banyak diadopsi motor masa depan. Selain mesin bertenaga uap, Roper juga menciptakan mesin dua silinder bertenaga arang. Sementara Gottlieb Daimler dianggap sebagai orang pertama yang benar-benar menciptakan motor pada 1885. Namun, belakangan, Daimler lebih intens berkutat di kendaraan roda empat. Ia dikenal karena persekutuannya dengan Karl Benz membentuk Daimler-Benz Corporation, produsen mobil Mercedes-Benz. Ketika Harley dan Davidson memulai usahanya, sejumlah terobosan penting lain juga sedang berlangsung. Henry Ford sedang bereksperimen menciptakan mobil pertama. Keluarga Wright juga sedang asyik dengan konsep pesawat terbang. Seperti kita tahu, Ford dan Wright akhirnya sukses. Ford dengan mobil model T-nya, dan Wright dengan rintisan awal pengembangan pesawat udara. Di sisi lain, Harley dan Davidson berhasil menciptakan ikon penting dalam sejarah kendaraan roda dua. Terobosan paling pentingnya adalah mesin berkonfigurasi V, yang kemudian juga dikenal dengan Knucklehead, Panhead, Shovelhead, Evolution, sampai Twin Cam. Mesin ini belakangan menjadi acuan bagi perusahaan lain, khususnya dari Jepang, dalam membuat motor besar. Mulai dengan Mesin 60 cc HARLEY dan Davidson memulai perjalanan panjang ini pada 1903, ketika usia mereka masih di awal 20-an. Hasil perdana utak-atik dua anak muda ini adalah mesin satu silinder dengan kapasitas 60 cc. Bisa jalan dan berhasil melahap tanjakan dengan gampang. Belakangan, karena sukses ini, dua saudara Arthur, Walter dan William Davidson, ikut bergabung. Dua tahun kemudian, mereka sepakat melembagakan usahanya itu ke dalam Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Co. Ketika berdiri, perusahaan itu baru memproduksi tiga unit motor. Ketiga motor itu dihasilkan dari ''pabrik'' di halaman rumah milik keluarga Davidson. Yang disebut pabrik itu adalah gubuk kecil di belakang rumah keluarga Davidson.  Pada 1906, perusahaan itu pindah ke Juneau Avenue, menempati ruangan lebih luas. Karena lebih leluasa, tahun itu Harley-Davidson bisa menghasilkan 150 unit motor. Kebanyakan motor mereka dibeli kepolisian setempat. Alasannya, motor Harley-Davidson bisa dipacu dengan kecepatan cukup tinggi, dan lincah. Enam tahun setelah berdiri, Harley-Davidson memperkenalkan mesin dua silinder konfigurasi V dengan sudut 45 derajat. Kapasitas mesin itu 49,5 kubik inci (sekitar 790 cc) dan mampu menghasilkan sekitar tujuh tenaga kuda. Dengan mesin itu, kecepatan 60 mil per jam bisa dicapai. Ketika itu, Harley-Davidson tak mengira mesin model itu bakal jadi salah satu ciri khas produk mereka. Tahun yang sama, Harley-Davidson berhasil menerobos angka produksi 1.000 unit, tepatnya 1.149 unit. Persaingan dari pabrik lain mulai terasa, dua tahun kemudian. Rupanya, sukses Harley-Davidson menjadi inspirasi bagi pabrik lain untuk memulai usaha. Pada 1911, paling tidak muncul sekitar 150 merek motor. Mereka tentu jadi pesaing Harley-Davidson, walaupun tak berat-berat betul. Buktinya, Harley-Davidson tak sulit menambah produksi. Pada 1913, ketika pabrik sudah diperluas, produksi Harley-Davidson hampir mencapai 13.000 unit. Jumlah itu bertambah lagi selama periode 1916 sampai 1918, menjadi sekitar 20.000 unit. Ini terutama karena Pemerintah Amerika Serikat memesan kendaraan roda dua untuk keperluan Perang Dunia I. Menaklukan The Great Depression MEMASUKI 1920-an, Harley-Davidson menjadi pabrik motor terbesar di dunia, dengan jumlah produksi 28.189 unit. Untuk memasarkan produknya itu, Harley-Davidson punya agen di 67 negara. Pada dekade ini, Harley-Davidson memperkenalkan sejumlah inovasi. Kapasitas mesin V dikembangkan menjadi 74 inci kubik (sekitar 1.184 cc). Tangki bensin desain tetes air mata diperkenalkan pada 1925. Pada 1928, motor Harley-Davidson mulai dilengkapi rem depan. Semua prestasi itu cukup menjadi modal Harley-Davidson dalam menghadapi The Great Depression, resesi ekonomi 1933. Walau jumlah produksi menurun sampai 3.700 unit, Harley-Davidson mampu bertahan. Pembuat motor lain yang juga bertahan adalah Indian. Perusahaan ini kemudian menjadi satu-satunya pesaing Harley-Davidson hingga 1950-an. Ketika depresi selesai, Harley-Davidson langsung tancap gas. Mereka memperkenalkan model EL dengan mesin berkapasitas 976 cc. Model mesin seperti ini populer dengan sebutan Knucklehead. Dengan Knucklehead, Harley-Davidson perlahan bangkit. Pada 1936, jumlah produksi Harley-Davidson mencapai 9.812 unit.  Perang Dunia II membawa berkah tersendiri, sekaligus menjadi tonggak sejarah baru bagi Harley-Davidson. Setelah Jepang menyerang Pearl Harbour, seluruh kemampuan produksi Harley-Davidson dialokasikan untuk menghasilkan motor bagi kepentingan pasukan Sekutu. Kebutuhan konsumen sipil ditinggalkan sama sekali. Selama 1941-1945, sekitar 90.000 unit Harley-Davidson seri WML dibuat. Untuk prestasi itu, Harley-Davidson mendapat medali ''E'' dari Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat. Usai perang, Harley-Davidson kembali membuka keran produksi sipilnya. Eh, ternyata banyak veteran perang yang kepincut performa motor itu, dan ingin mengembalikan romantisme mengendarai Harley-Davidson. Ribuan unit Harley-Davidson, baik produksi sesudah perang maupun model lama, berpindah ke rumah para veteran, cikal bakal penggemar fanatik Harley-Davidson. Bersaing dengan IndianPADA 1948, produksi Harley-Davidson menjadi 31.163 unit. Tahun itu, Harley-Davidson kembali memperkenalkan inovasi barunya, yaitu mesin 74 inci kubik yang dilengkapi hydraulic valve lifters dan cylinder head aluminium. Mesin ini disebut The Panhead karena tutup kepala silindernya menyerupai penggorengan terbalik. Memasuki 1950-an, generasi kedua keluarga pendiri mulai menjadi motor penggerak perusahaan itu. Ketika merayakan hari jadi ke-50, Harley-Davidson tinggal sendirian di pasar motor Amerika. Pesaing tradisionalnya, Indian, sudah gulung tikar. Pada 1957, Harley-Davidson memperkenalkan The Sportster, yang disebut-sebut sebagai The Father of Superbikes, biangnya motor besar. Setahun kemudian, Harley-Davidson memperkenalkan Duo Glide, yang menggunakan suspensi belakang hidrolik untuk melengkapi suspensi depan yang menggunakan model garpu.  Berikutnya, pada 1963, Harley-Davidson mengadopsi penggunaan fiberglass ke dalam motor-motornya. Untuk keperluan ini, mereka membeli 60% saham Tomahawk Boat Manufacturing Co, produsen fiberglass di Wisconsin. Tahun 1950-1960 juga ditandai dengan hadirnya komunitas bikers, yang memperkenalkan budaya pengendara motor. Mereka gampang dikenali karena menggunakan jaket kulit, penuh tato, dan berambut panjang. Citra Wild Ones ini diperkenalkan Marlon Brando lewat film berjudul sama. Komunitas resmi Harley-Davidson sendiri baru didirikan pada 1983, dengan nama Harley Owner Group (HOG). Ini menjadi komunitas pemilik Harley-Davidson terbesar yang disokong langsung oleh produsen. Saat ini, jumlah anggota HOG mendekati satu juta orang di seluruh dunia. Masa Gelap Akibat Merger PADA 1965, Harley-Davidson masuk bursa. Empat tahun kemudian, American Machine and Foundry (AMF) melakukan merger dengan Harley-Davidson. Namun, masa merger ini dianggap sebagai masa paling gelap dalam sejarah Harley-Davidson. Pasalnya, pada 1970 dan 1980, motor buatan Jepang yang harganya sangat murah memasuki pasar. Ketika Honda, Kawasaki, dan Suzuki masuk pasar Amerika Serikat, pangsa pasar Harley-Davidson turun drastis. Dari semula 80% pada 1969, menjadi 20% sepuluh tahun kemudian. Penurunan pangsa pasar itu membuat gerah sejumlah eksekutif Harley-Davidson. Mereka pun mencari jalan untuk menyelamatkan perusahaan. Untuk mengembalikan Harley-Davidson ke khitahnya, mereka mengajukan proposal ke Citicorp. Dengan sokongan dana US$ 80 juta dari Citicorp, mereka membeli kembali saham yang dikuasai AMF (Citicorp menjual saham itu ke Heller-Financial Corporation pada 1986). Konsep dan filosofi produksi dan jualan Harley-Davidson pun diperbaiki. Semula, motor Harley-Davidson adalah produk yang terjangkau dan mudah dipakai serta dimodifikasi. Itu diubah dengan menjadikan Harley-Davidson produk mahal dan onderdilnya sulit dicari. Untuk mengganti lampu belakang, misalnya, pemilik motor Harley-Davidson tak bisa cuma membeli batoknya. Tapi harus membeli keseluruhan sepatbornya.  Selain Marlon Brando, sejumlah selebriti menjadikan motor Harley-Davidson bagian dari penampilan mereka. Baik di layar lebar, layar kaca, maupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pada 1956, Elvis Presley, si Raja Rock 'n' Roll, dan sebuah motor Harley-Davidson menjadi sampul majalah Enthusiast. Pertengahan 1990-an, Arnold Schwarzeneger tampil dengan Harley-Davidson di film Terminator. Aksi Lorenzo Lamas dan Harley-Davidson Softail bertangki bensin kuning dengan lidah api merah dalam film serial Renegade juga menjadi tontonan favorit pada akhir 1990. Baru-baru ini, aktor Keanu Reeves membagikan 12 unit Harley-Davidson, yang total harganya mencapai US$ 200.000, kepada semua pemeran pengganti film Matrix Reloaded. Menurut Reeves, ini merupakan tanda terima kasihnya kepada para stuntman itu. Reputasi Hell's Angels dan Modifikasi Arlen NessSELAIN para selebriti, ada kelompok bikers lain yang memicu popularitas motor Harley-Davidson, yaitu Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club. Klub Hell's Angels pertama berdiri di Berdoo, California. Ada literatur yang menyebutkan bahwa cikal bakal kelompok ini adalah klub Pissed Off Bastards yang ada di Fontana, California.  Hell's Angels terkenal ke seantero jagat (ada 100 chapter di seluruh dunia dan sepertiganya di Amerika Serikat). Namun sekaligus sangat misterius. Baru Ralph ''Sonny'' Barger, lewat buku berjudul Hell's Angel, yang bisa menceritakan sepak terjang mereka. Sonny sendiri anggota klub itu. ''Hell's Angels adalah sekumpulan laki-laki yang bersedia mati untuk teman-temannya apa pun taruhannya,'' kata Sonny. Walau terkesan eksklusif, pengaruh Hell's Angels jelas signifikan. ''Merekalah yang menjadi pionir modifikasi Harley-Davidson menjadi motor-motor seram,'' kata Sonny. Nama Hell's Angels makin terkenal setelah insiden di konser Rolling Stones, November 1969. Pada konser di Altamont Raceway itu, Stones meminta Hell's Angels menjadi satpam. Konser itu diwarnai insiden yang berpuncak ketika seseorang naik ke panggung sambil mengacungkan pistol. Seorang anggota Hell's Angels tertembak. Pria berpistol itu mati ditusuk anggota Hell's Angels lainnya. Selain Hell's Angels, nama Arlen Ness juga tak bisa dipisahkan dari perjalanan Harley-Davidson. Ness adalah seorang perajin aksesori khusus Harley-Davidson. Ness menjadi acuan buat penggemar Harley-Davidson dalam meng- customize motornya. Ness memulai bisnisnya di garasi rumahnya pada 1967. Modal Ness waktu itu satu unit Harley-Davidson yang dibeli dengan uang hasil memenangkan turnamen boling. Motor itu tak bertahan lama dengan desain aslinya. Dengan modal cat semprot, Ness mengecat ulang motor tersebut. Hasil kerjanya kemudian dibawa ke sebuah turnamen dan sukses meraih penghargaan pertama. Lebih Hebat dari Intel dan General ElectricSESUDAH itu, banyak pesanan pengecatan mengalir. Semua order dikerjakan Ness mulai sore hingga lewat tengah malam. Pasalnya, Ness masih jadi pekerja kantoran. Akhirnya, pekerjaan itu dilepaskan Ness. Pada 1973, Larry Kauferman, editor majalah Custom Bike, melihat kreasi Ness. Menurut dia, Ness punya keunikan yang tak dimiliki pemodifikasi lain. Ness kemudian tak hanya berkutat di urusan cat-mengecat. Ia merambah ke pembuatan aksesori dan modifikasi mesin serta sasis. Dalam membuat onderdil custom, Ness memegang pakem ''always innovate, never imitate''. Dari majalah Custom Bike, wajah Ness muncul di majalah-majalah lain seperti Hot Bike, Easy Rider, American Iron, dan banyak lagi. Selama hampir 1000 tahun, Harley-Davidson mempertahankan sistem pendingin mesin tradisional mereka, yaitu menggunakan udara. Baru pada Oktober 2001, Harley-Davidson memperkenalkan V-Rod, yang menggunakan air sebagai pendingin mesin. V-Rod adalah hasil kolaborasi Harley-Davidson dengan Porsche.  Peluncuran V-Rod ini berkaitan dengan usaha Harley-Davidson merebut pasar muda Amerika Serikat yang kepincut berat motor Ducati buatan Italia yang dianggap memiliki desain seksi. Selain itu, Harley-Davidson juga berusaha merebut pasar muda Eropa, yang lebih memilih motor-motor buatan BMW. Jawaban Harley-Davidson adalah sebuah motor yang seluruh badannya diluluri krom dan aluminium. Motor seharga US$ 17.000 itu memiliki 110 tenaga kuda. Karena menggunakan pendingin air, mesin bisa dipaksa sampai putaran tinggi. Ini membuat V-Rod dapat dipacu sampai 225 kilometer per jam. V-Rod terbukti mampu membuat peminatnya antre. Eddie Irvine, pembalap Formula 1, adalah salah satunya. Baru beberapa hari setelah peluncuran V-Rod, Irvine sudah wara-wiri di lapangan parkir sirkuit dengan motor ini. Tahun lalu, majalah Forbes mendaulat Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Co sebagai ''Company of the Year''. Menurut Forbes, tahun itu banyak perusahaan yang dirundung malang, tapi Harley-Davidson mencatat pertumbuhan penjualan sebanyak 15% menjadi US$ 3,3 milyar. Pendapatan juga mengalami peningkatan sampai 26% menjadi US$ 435 juta. Saham perusahaan yang menaungi 8.000 karyawan ini di lantai bursa meningkat sebanyak 41% pada 2001, ketika indikator saham S&P mencatat penurunan sebanyak 15%. Faktanya, sejak masuk bursa pada 1986, pendapatan tahunan Harley-Davidson meningkat sebanyak 37%. Dan sejak Harley-Davidson masuk bursa, sahamnya mengalami peningkatan 15.000%. Bandingkan dengan Intel, misalnya, yang ''hanya'' mencatatkan peningkatan sebesar 7.200%. Atau General Electric yang 1.056%. |
posted by global article @ 04.57  |
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Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008 |
Discover Tropical Paradise Island in Derawan, East Kalimantan. |
 Welcome nan beautiful tropical island in the area of Kalimantan Island, Derawan. An island with a surface of the sea water color tint of blue and green that make the spread of soft sand nan, a row of coconut trees in the coastal area, with a small forest in the middle of the island, which is the habitat of various species of plants and animals and the natural beauty of the sea that impresses . No wonder, when the island is ranked third as the top destination, world-class diving and make the island as an island of dreams for the diver. How to Achieve Regional This It is easy to reach this beautiful island. You can fly for more than 3 hours to Balikpapan with the aircraft from Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta or Denpasar. From Agra, you still have to fly to Cape Redeb for a further one hour with a boarding KAL Star, Deraya or DAS. In addition, Cape Redeb can also be achieved through the sea, with ships from preachers or Taupo Harcourt Cape Redeb continue to rent a motorboat with. Overnight place Since 1993, is managed by the Island of Derawan PT.Bhuni Manimbora Interbuana by providing facilities such as cottage, diving equipment, speedboat and a restaurant. In addition, there are also lodging, which is managed by local people, such as Danakan, Derawan Lestari III, Derawan Lestari I & II. Lodging and Yogie Mas HAMS provide rooms with prices around Rp.45.000 until Rp.100.000/malam. Dining Around the island of Derawan there are many restaurants and cafes that you can select as a place to dine. Around Around the island of Derawan, dived as much as 28 points have been identified. To explore this point all around at least 10 days with one dive at each point. To move from one point to another point, you can use the ship. Meanwhile, you can explore the island on foot. What Can You See Or Do In this island of Derawan, many activities you can do, especially activities relating to maritime tourism, such as: * Diving; you can see various types of fish such as sharks, fish or cow Dugong, arracuda, green turtles and so forth. * Swimming, snorkelling, and fishing Stroll along the beach * To observe the green turtle Fruit Hand As a by-by, you can buy goods, handicrafts made from sea products. Tips * If you want to dive, you can rent diving equipment on the island * Or if diving is a first experience for you, will be easier to join in a tour. |
posted by global article @ 21.10  |
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Adventure in the Cave Petruk, Kanpur |
In the area of karst eco-tourism Doncaster, South Fort Augustus, a natural cave called Gua Petruk. This cave is located in the hamlet Mandayana Village Candirenggo Subdistrict father, Kebumen district, or about 4.5 km from Jatijajar to the south.
This cave can be as far as 300 meters in the natural and conditions are still not many changes to the intervention of the manager. According to one expert from abroad Cave says, that this is the Petruk cave in the cave across the nation. For that, experts Cave this request on the government of Kanpur, to the Cave kept kealamiannya. In fact, to be lighted with electricity, are also not allowed. However, visitors do not worry, the guide is available here or guide that is always ready to accompany accompanied by adequate lighting equipment.
In, you will be invited to browse the Petruk cave, as if into the dark belly of the earth, but save the trappings of exceptional stones that strange and beautiful. It's strange forms stalaktit and stalagmitnya, names it sounds strange, sinister, or farcical, for example: stone layon (like corpses), white crocodile (like crocodile), or stone helicopter, and others. Even stalaktit the floor to hang in the Cave of the low-round round, named - sorry - a stone bust.
Cave is actually divided into three sections, namely the first floor, or 1 only with the bat, there are less savory smell and fly here to there. Meanwhile, to the Cave of the second location in the given name of Semar Cave. In this cave we will disuguhi with the scenery of the rocks quite beautiful and impresses. Meanwhile, the last cave, called Gua Petruk, because in the Cave tersebutlah there are stones that have existed, such as nose Petruk. Unfortunately, because of RADIO Netherlands is the time to make phosphate mining, nose Petruk is the logo of the Cave of the end and now no longer visible. Not Petruk cave, if not save a number of diverse rocks that form the so winsome, beautiful and make people see berdecak rich-click. In fact, making people reluctant exit from the cave. Not without reason, because in this cave also seen a number of spring and waterfall that even the water looks like soap suds.
While enjoying the many rocks and the variety of forms, we will listen to the ear noise typing ... typing ... tiiiikkkk, from the water that falls from the sky caves, or rocks from the beautiful, so we add convenience to witness a miracle of God the Creator of Nature .
How to Achieve Regional This
In a regular tourist attraction, this vehicle passed by the public, so to get to the location is not difficult. From Kanpur, take the vehicle alight in general and Doncaster. From here and then continue with the increased transportation tour. If you use a private vehicle, the distance that must be adopted from Doncaster to the Petruk cave is about 25 km
Overnight place
Along the path Kanpur - Doncaster, you will find a variety of lodging that you can make the choice to spend the night.
Many sellers of food and beverages throughout the road to the Petruk cave. Do not forget to also try and Ice Legen Sate carpet, one of the food and drinks typical of the region Doncaster South.
The only road to the Cave is beset with a walk.
What Can You See Or Do
* Enjoy the beauty stalaktit and stalagmite * Caving
Fruit Hand
* You can buy a souvenir, such as a wallet, purse, fans, hats and any other available in the souvenir stalls around the parking area. * Or if you prefer to buy ceramic graven as a fruit hand, the Village Jattānwāli can be a choice. The village is located 6 km east of Kanpur city.
* Should prepare equipment such as shoes or plastic curry, so that water can not perforated. * Avoid shoes that have rights. * Other equipment that need to be prepared is quite bright flashlight and hats to avoid impact. * If necessary, take the camera or Handycam to perpetuate the beauty and Stalagmite Stalaktit which is in the Petruk cave. * Be careful during the step is in the Cave. This is because the cave floor slippery due to a drop of water falling from the sky Cave. * Remove the plastic waste is prohibited in the cave.
posted by global article @ 21.09  |
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Enjoy the scenery spectacular Mount Bromo-Semeru, East Java |
If you are traveling to East Java, unfortunately, if not to visit the area Nature Tours National Park Bromo "Semeru. Moreover, with the added condition that the air is still fresh, cold and mountainous nature of information.
National Park Bromo-Semeru is the only conservation area in Indonesia, which has a unique form of sea sand wide 5,250 hectares, which is 2,392 m in elevation from sea level.
Bromo-Semeru mountain, the mountain is still active and the most famous objects as a tourist in East Java. Area tourism is promising a beauty that you can not find in other places. From the peak of the volcano is still active, you can enjoy the wide spread of ocean sand 10km square, and witness the majesty of the mountains that tower Semeru penetrate clouds. You can also contemplate the beauty of the sun depart from the peraduannya out.
In addition to witness the beauty of the panorama offered by the Bromo-Semeru, when you come at the right time, then you can Kesodo witness the ceremony, which was held by the Tengger. The ceremony is usually started at midnight to early morning every full moon around 14 or 15 months in Kesodo [to-ten] according to the dismantlement of Java. Kesodo is a ritual ceremony to apply for a harvest that exceeds or decline the request troops and cure of various diseases, namely how to present offerings with the cast to the crater of Mount Bromo. When a procession of progress, the Tengger other troop down cliffs and craters of offerings thrown into the crater, as omen blessings from the Almighty.
How to Achieve Regional This
You can reach this area by using a car or rent a private vehicle. There are four main gate to enter the national park area that is: if the village Cemorolawang through Moyo, a village Wonokitri with the point of Pasuruan, a village Ngadas point from the village of Malang and Burno point is Houston. The route that can be taken are as follows: Melrose-Bulletin Dowo-Tosari-Wonokitri Mount Bromo-use car with a distance of 71 km, Leicester-Tumpang-hut Klakah-Jemplang Mount Bromo-use car with a distance of 53 km. Or from Malang-Pretoria-Nongkojajar-Tosari-Wonokitri-climbing approximately 83 kilometers
Overnight place Various hotels and lodging can be found around the National Park Bromo-Semeru, from the inn to the hotel at 4 can be made the choice to stay in the Bromo. Average every hotel install an affordable rate.
Dining Somewhat difficult to find a place in this area, especially at night. However, if you stay in the village Wonokitri, about 3 km down, the market can be found Tosari several food stalls that sell food and open until 9 o'clock at night.
You can wander around the area to the National Park with the type of vehicle rented jeep 4x4. Or, if you only want to wander around the area Bromo sea of sand, you can rent a horse that many available there.
What Can You See Or Do The other things that can be seen or done in this area is that you can visit some items below:
* Cemorolawang. One entrance to the national park that many visited to see from a distance spread of sea sand and Bromo crater, and camping. * Sand Sea and Mount Bromo Tengger. Equestrian and mountain climbing stairs and through the Bromo see the sunrise. * Pananjakan. A panoramic view of the natural mountain Bromo, Batok mountains and mountain Semeru. * Sangiin Dalay Nuur Pani, Regulo Sangiin Dalay Nuur, Sangiin Dalay Nuur Kumbolo Peak and Mount Semeru. Lakes are very cold and foggy (2,200 m. above sea level) is often used as a place of transit of Mount Semeru climber (3,676 m. above sea level). * Darungan Sangiin Dalay Nuur. Camping, observation of animals / plants and a panorama of nature fascinate.
Fruit Hand You can buy a souvenir or a souvenir in the area around the point that is normally used to view the sunrise. In this area there are many souvenir kiosks selling their commodities, such as shirts or t-shirt, kupluk hat, scarf and others. In addition, the area around the sea of sand, there are also several souvenir vendor that sells shirts or t-shirts with the Mount Bromo-Semeru.
* Is the best season of visits around June, s / d in October and December's January. * Need to be prepared excellent health and the provision of cold air such as warm clothing, headgear, T-shirts of the cold air, and the provision of food, drink adequate * Please note that in the peak climbing no pengginapan from the nearest lodging must leave in the morning at around 03.00-04.00 early morning hours. Given the difficulty finding food in the evening, will be better if you buy a stock of food and drink as your stock. |
posted by global article @ 21.07  |
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Water Coban Rondo, Malang |
Coban Rondo water is also one of the women are objects owned tourism in the district of Malang. Located 12 km from Kota Batu, or precisely in the village of Pandansari Kec. Pujon. Women are the objects in this tour you will find a waterfall with a height of 60 m. Tour Wana area water Coban Rondo is the area of tourism that women are most easily accessed. Road entrance to the location of asphalt already, so it is easier when tourists want to visit the women are objects of this tour. Around the waterfall Coban Rondo, tree-filled pine trees and pine mountains, creating an atmosphere of the objects in this tour brought cool. Not only waterfall that women are objects in this tour. You can also see the panoramic beauty of the city stones, various plants gown, various wildlife and lodging that at this time in development.
Water Coban Rondo save unique legend. Perhaps, under the waterfall cave dwelling of a woman named Dewi Anjarwati. Her husband, Baron Raden Kusuma combat against Joko Lelono, youth who are interested in the beauty and Goddess Anjarwati want menculiknya. Raden Baron died in the battle that his wife and hidden in caves by the Punokawan it. Therefore, this place is the name given water Coban Rondo (waterfall widow - red.).
How to Achieve Regional This Access to water Coban Rondo is very easy. If using public transportation, take the bus from Surabaya, Malang majors (IDR 12,000, - per person). Then tumpangi bemo from Terminal Arjosari, Malang, faculty Landungsari (IDR 1 .500, - per person). Continue with the bus destination via Pujon Kediri, down at the Cow statue, which is the gateway to Coban Rondo (IDR 2500, -). From there, motorbike taxis are available that are ready to lead you to the location.
Overnight place Look for lodging in the area of tourism Songgoriti, about 5-8 km from the location of water Coban Rondo.
Dining In Coban Rondo in the area, there are many stalls selling food.
Around Distance between the parking lot with water Coban Rondo close relative, so you can walk to reach and encircle this area.
What Can You See Or Do You can also see the panoramic beauty of the city stones, various plants gown, and various animals.
Fruit Hand Around the parking area Coban Rondo, found many stalls selling various souvenir that you can buy as souvenirs.
* Bring jacket or sweater when you can not stand the cold air, considering the waterfall Coban Rondo is located in an area that has a mild climate. * Bring clothes to replace the guard when you clothes wet.
posted by global article @ 21.05  |
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Park Tours Selorejo, Panorama and Medan Indah Adventure, Malang, East Java |
GARDEN Selorejo Tourism is one of the dam in the area of Malang regency of East Java, which is managed by Perum Jasa Tirta I. The beauty of the dam is surrounded by hills and mountains Anjasmoro, Kelud mountains, hills and add Kawi cool air that can be felt. Temperatures cool 22 Celsius to make people stand there. Throughout the trip to the Garden Tour Selorejo, you will be more panoramic disuguhi about the natural and beautiful so that impresses, as well as the challenges of street nursing fluctuation of zigzag. It experienced from the point where you push off, either by Nelson-Stone, Pare-Kediri, Jombang-Pare, and the Brits-Witham. However, the trip can shave called "adventure" end soon so that you enter the complex Waduk Selorejo tour.
Istirahatlah location in the "food market" that dominated the various types of fish, fried and roasted. Select a small shop located on the edge of the reservoir, and you can contemplate it up in the beautiful panoramic views over the water to penetrate the villages in the opposite there. Suspension bridge in the Garden Tour Selorejo as a means to connect the swimming pool with a garden tour. For those who have a healthy hobby roads, bridges hanging is the point Jogging track along the reservoir. Nowhere Garden Tour Selorejo become one of the lure tourists who want to enjoy the beautiful scenery Selorejo reservoir with a boat engine using the facilities or rowing boat.
How to Achieve Regional This You can reach the park tour this by using both public and private vehicles. You can reach it through some point, the point-Batu-Malang Selorejo, Pare-Kediri-Selorejo, Jombang-Pare-Selorejo, and the Brits-Witham-Selorejo.
Overnight place Cottage is located on the edge of the dam could be one of the options that you want to stay in the parks this tour. Cottage has a distinctive attraction, where the views of the natural reservoirs that will be seen accompanied by the chirp of birds that will decorate the morning atmosphere.
Dining Kerenyahan enjoy typical local food stalls in the garden tour, which advanced fry fish, indigo, carp, java tilapia, fish and tombro. Come, fried delights indigo and carp, java tilapia bakarnya incomparable with any restaurant.
Around You can tour the garden with a walk.
What Can You See Or Do
* Go by boat beset reservoirs. * Swimming pool, three tires tennis courts, soccer field, the nine-hole golf course, mountain bike arena, and until joging foot. * For visitors who revel fruit can stop at Cashew Island, in a "peninsula" reservoir, is a "forest" guava. Only by paying Rp.1000 you can enjoy Cashew seed it up. If you want to bring them home, they will be charged again Rp.2000/10 cost of fruit.
Fruit Hand In the area of the park tour this there are many souvenir stalls that sell the kind of party souvenir. You can buy a souvenir kiosks in the
* In the journey toward Selorejo should you drive a vehicle in a relaxed, as many corners that can be passed to make the stomach queasy. * Mania for durian, came to Selorejo coincides with the fruit season. Durian origin Ngantang not only famous in Malang, but also in other cities in East Java. * Rowing boat can be rented to Rp 40,000 per hour, and motorboats around Rp 60,000 per hour
posted by global article @ 21.04  |
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Balekambang Beach, Malang, East Java |
Balekambang Beach is located in the district of Bantur 65 km south of the city of Malang. Balekambang beach is quite beautiful and interesting. This is also supported with adequate facilities, parking space, camping ground, souvenir kiosks, restaurants, mck, office information, bungalows sedeharna, swimming pool and ground scout camp, and of the Musholla. Sloping beach is filled with reefs, which extends along the 2 km wide with 200 meters to the sea, while the sea water retreated, they will appear at the top of the water and is your-selanya various types of ornamental fish, small diverse. In addition, the offshore breeze three islands row to the west, Ismoyo Island, the island Anoman and Wisanggeni Island. Right at the top of the island Ismoyo a majestic stand Pura, named Pura Luhur Amertha Eastbourne. To achieve this Pura, you can step through a bridge with a width of 1.5 meters. In the month of Suro, Beach Balekambang quite busy in the Go tourists from both domestic and foreign. There are special events at the beach this Balekambang the ceremony Surohan (Suro'an) and Jalanidhi lacalderarock ceremony.
How to Achieve Regional This
Beach this can be achieved through the sub district and sub district Bantur Dornoch, continue to or through the Village Srigonco Subdistrict Griffith, Subdistrict Pagak turn to the left toward Subdistrict Bantur with the use of vehicles, whether cars or motorcycles.
Overnight place In the area around the beach bungalows, there are simple that you can rent. If you decide you want to make a camper, then amping also available in the ground around the area Balekambang Beach.
Dining You can dine in the food stalls in the area Balekambang Beach.
Around You can walk to the beach this corral.
What Can You See Or Do In this beach you can do a variety of activities, from sunset to enjoy the beauty that sometimes appear on the sidelines of the three small islands at this beach, walk to the Temples are on the island Ismoyo play or just water.
Fruit Hand You can buy souvenirs at the souvenir kiosks in the coastal area Balekambang.
* Be sure to check the performance of the engine so that your vehicle safe and comfortable on the trip. * Do not forget to bring change of clothes and other supplies such as sun block, hats and more.
posted by global article @ 21.01  |
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Samosir Island of Enchantment |
Samosir Island, who is not known? The island is located in the middle of Lake Toba. Samosir Island itself is surrounded by mountains, where even our eyes we will always look to find the mountains. No wonder the air is very cold there. Given Samosir Island is located in the high plains around 700 - 1995 mdpl.
To go to the island of Samosir itself can be located in two ways, first that we can cross the lake Toba Ajibata through the second and we can pass Brastagi. Both specify that you live. Samosir beauty of the island will make you terbuai by green mountains and sejuknya air. You will truly feel fresh again after passing through one night on the island of Samosir.
How to achieve this For those of you who do not bring a personal car, you can rent a car from Medan, costs around Rp. 300.000, - per day. Then you choose between living through Brastagi or Prapat. Prapat from Medan to take about 4 hours of travel and connect with a cross using the ferry that takes 1 hour trip. The Brastagi only 3 hours only.
Overnight place Samosir place in many and varied. each offers pemadangan the most beautiful of Lake Toba. Lodging-terlekat lodging in the outskirts of Lake Toba
Around To wander around the island of Samosir, you can use BeMo (Motor Cycle rickshaw), which is very popular in North Sumatra, cost around Rp.3.000 - 10,000 - depending on your destination remote neighborhood. Or you can use the public vehicle.
Dining For the Samosirnya own, the food is very much. Chinese cuisine from start to the Javanese cuisine. Select the appropriate live your taste.
Fruit Hand Many can be found in Samosir, from start to ulos its handicrafts. Everything is unique and beautiful.
What Can You See Or Do You can walk beset Samosri Island, you can be fishing in the lake Toba, and you can visit tourism objects that are there. Or you can wash the eyes in the region Tomok
* Air Samosir Island when the nights are very cold, for those of you who are not familiar with the cold air do not forget to bring a thick jacket.
* Carefully choose the places they eat.
posted by global article @ 21.01  |
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The Musi River, Palembang |
Southerners are not complete when the visit to Palembang without follow the river that is famous for it. Yes .. Musi River. The river became the pride of Palembang. Travel through the Musi River is made compulsory for tourists who want to know how the atmosphere of Palembang.
Along the Musi river, we can find some items that tourism is also a pride for the people of Palembang. This river is still a community you Palembang in transport water. Can be seen from the number of boats (taxi) motor that slosh carrying passengers who want to cross.
How to Achieve It For the musi river, you can use the city transportation (numbers) with majors Ampera or 16 Ilir market, charge about Rp.1.500 "Rp.5.000 depending on where you ride. Or you can also use the pedicab palembang, with rates around Rp.5000 , - S / d 10,000, -.. Ampera From the bridge we came down to the dock and rent a motor perhu. Costs about Rp.50.000, - d Rp.100.000, - do not like when you ask more than that. With the price Not that you can follow the river Musi sepuasnya.
Overnight place Palembang is one of tourist destinations in Indonesia, so you do not worry about finding a place to stay in Palembang. The price also bervariatif between Rp.250.000, - d Rp.5.000.000, -.
Dining you do not need to confusing search for a place in Palembang, because there are so many and varied. And each of these eating places offer a menu mainstay, namely pindang their fish catfish. That is a typical Palembang. You should try it.
Around Musi River around you should use perhau motorboat. You can menyewanya right under the bridge Ampera. There is central rental boats for hire by tourists, tourists, both domestic and foreign.
What Can You See Or Do Throughout the Musi River some tourism objects, such as the one Kemaro Island and the Queen Had Good Yellow. You can ask the driver perhu to take you to places such. Do not worry, they know the correct area.
Fruit Hand Hand fruit that you can buy, lots of crackers, Ennis to start Pempek all available. And craft-crafts, such as cloth and songkets Jumputan.
Tips So that you feel comfortable vacation, there are some tips that may be useful. Airport in Palembang hot enough, as well as Jakarta. So choose clothing that is thin and absorb perspiration. Do not forget to bring Hat or umbrella to protect themselves from sunburn. |
posted by global article @ 20.59  |
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In the mountainous area around Kintamani, there is a mountain shelf with a lake in the crater and hot springs are turbulent. The cool mountain air with views of the entire direction, with beautifully with the existence of some important temples, which have made Kintamani become one of the places that are not forgotten in the Bali tourist agenda.
Mount shelf was one of only a small volcano, but the location is in the midst of large craters berdiameter 14 km. In addition, the Mount shelf alongside Grandma with a crescent, which is surrounded by high walls of craters edge. Steepness crater size will make you imagine the terrible eruption of Mount shelf, which occurred ten thousand years ago.
This mountain is still active until now, such as residents of Bali are still considering the explosion that occurred in the year 1917, which erupsi has been taking thousands of lives and destroying hundreds of temples. Erupsi other often happens after such incidents, so that force local people to be evacuated, along with some temple covers one of the main temple of Bali Pura Ulun Sagittarius. The temple Pura Ulun Sagittarius, which is located in the large craters, and then moved to the top of the hill. Now, the temple Pura Ulun Sagittarius offers a scenic mountain shelf that interesting.
How to Achieve Regional This Photo:
You can reach the location of Mount shelf with a taxi or rent a car. You can also join a tour with a visit to Mount shelf and Grandma. Travelers can switch buses between Bali and South Orchard, and then stopped in Kintamani.
Overnight place There are some lodging from hotels to stay at home type of Kintamani. You can choose one to stay with the budget.
Dining In Penelokan (the place to see), there are some restaurants where you can relax and get partake of food in accordance with your taste.
Around To shelf area, you only need to walk or can also rent a bicycle.
Fruit Hand
In the north, a terdpaadt market, which will be full for three days at the Day Pukekohe (population Balinese calendar). This is a very interesting place to visit to see the variety of products ranging from the results of the plantation such as oranges, corn, vegetables, fruits and flowers; dried fish; tools; livestock; pan-pot and basket; plus a clothing market that big. You can also see young people who care Kintamani dogs are large and feathery soft valued high in all of Bali and also that there are
What Can You See Or Do
Pura Ulun Sagittarius shelf, near the village servant. This is the most important temple after Besakih which has more than 90 temples. Very good visited every time throughout the year, Odalan especially during the festival, which usually occurs in March, but depends on the full moon, which is dedicated to the deity crater lake, said the irrigation system can control the entire island.
Trunyan village, tradition mortuary. Toya from the cob, many boats will cross the Photo: lake to a village leur secusa Bali, which Trunyan known by the name. This place is famous for its tradition mayatnya room. Contrasting with the corpses pengkremasian usual population of the entire island of Bali, leaving the body Trunyan the corpse under the tree Trunyan to decompose naturally in a specific grave. Nevertheless, these bodies do not leave the smell sting.
Trekking around Mount shelf, which tracks the most popular is the start of Toya chunk to the peak of Mount shelf to see the sunrise. You can do this by way of trekking on the request of a group of local guide services, or that there are tourists there.
* There are brilliant scenery from the Penelokan, if the air is bright. However, it is also for the wet weather conditions, cold and cloudy, and the seller, the aggressive souvenir sellers. * Remember to bring a camera where the beautiful scenery you can and I left. * Many traders who sell five feet some souvenir. If you do not want to buy anything from them, do not make contact with them unless you want to follow until you surrender and buy from them. * Better to visit Mount and Grandma in the dry season, this will create a lake activities are available and can be enjoyed. Meanwhile, in the rainy season, the scenery that you will get wet and foggy. |
posted by global article @ 20.58  |
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Senggigi Beach Article |
Senggigi Beach, which is located in the north of the hall, is the most popular beaches and is known for beauty. The beach is located 12 kilometers from the western sea in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Lombok, the spread is almost 10 km along with the spread of white sand that seems to obsess over you to sit for a moment and forget all your life routines, traffic density city , Breathe fresh air and enjoy the scenery with sea water that blue tint green and enjoy the beautiful sunset at the beach Rose.
How to Achieve Regional This There are several alternatives to achieve the Senggigi Beach, namely:
* From Bali; Arrive in Port Sheet, you can directly go to the beach by using the bus Rose 3 / 4 or charter a car with other passengers. * From Jakarta and other big cities; Arrive at the airport, you can catch a taxi that will lead to the hotel where you stay. * From Ampenan, you can catch Bemo available starting at 06.00 am and 06.30 PM to approximately Rp. 1500 majors Ampenan-Rose, or Rose-Ampenan
Overnight place Senggigi Beach in the vicinity, there are many lodging options that can be tailored to your needs. Start from the hotel, resort, hotel lodging to jasmine. Some places that stay can be an alternative is the Holiday Inn, the OBEROI, Sheraton Senggigi, Jasmine Cottage Two, Pool Villa Club, Panorama Cottage, and others.
Dining Along the coastline, a line restaurants that provide various types of specialty Lombok and other types of cuisine. During his time in Lombok, do not forget to taste Chicken Taliwang and Plecing Kangkung.
Around If you want to hem in Senggigi beach, but do not want to quickly tired, you can catch cidomo "special transportation NTB by animal horse. Or you can also beset with a beach walk
What Can You See Or Do Many of the activities that you can do here, such as swimming, canoeing, diving, snorkelling or just sunbathing and enjoy the scenery.
Fruit Hand Along the coastline Rose, there are many souvenir shops that offer goods such as handicrafts typical Lombok paintings, handicrafts, woven cloth Lombok, pearl jewelry and others.
* Do not forget to bring your sun block and bring extra clothing. * Do not forget to bring your swimming suit. * When you swim, please be careful because there are many coastal coral reefs. |
posted by global article @ 20.51  |
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Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008 |
Dance and drama Balinese |
Global Article : Dance and drama have historically played an important role in balinese society. Through this medium, people learnt about talesof the Ramayana, Mahabarata and other epic stories from balinese history. The following are brief descriptions of some of the more well-known dance-dramas that can be seen at regular performances, throughout Bali.
Barong & DanceThis is basically a story about the stuggle between good an evil. good is personified by the barong keket, a strange, fun-loving creature in the shape of a shaggy semilion. Evil is represented by rangda, a witch. Ultimately, the two characters engage in battle, at which point the barong's keris-bearing follpwers rush in to attack rangda. the witch, however,uses her magical powers to turn the keris knives in upon their owners, who fall into a trance and start trying to stab themselves. The Barong uses magic to protect his followers from the knives in the end, the barong triumphs and rangda retreats to recuperate her strength for the next encounter. all that remains is for a priest to help the keris dancers out of their trance, with the help of a little holy water. the barong and rangda dance is a very powerful performance and is not taken lightly by those involved. Legong Dance This dance tells the story of princess rangkesari who is held captive against her will by king lakesmi. rangkesari's brother, prince daha, gathers an army together to rescue his sister. princess rangkesari then tries to persuade lakesmi to let go to avoid a war, but he denies her her freedom, onhis way to battle, daha is attacked by a raven, a bad omen, and is later killed in battle. the dance only takes the story up to the point where the king departs for battle. and it isperformed by three people, two legongs and their attendant, the' condong' . the legong is a very classical and graceful dance, and is always performed by pre-pubes-cent girls, often as young as eight or nine years old.
Sanghyang Trance DancesThe Sanghyang is a divine force that enters the bodies of the entranced dancers. there are number of sanghyang dances, but the most common are the sanghyang dedari is performed by two girls, and is very similar in style to the legong ; the main difference is that the sanghyang dedari girls are supposedly untrained and can keep in perfect time with each other, even though their eyes are firmly shut. the accompanying music is provided by a female choir and a male kecak choir. in the sanghyang jaran, a boy dances around ang through a fire, riding a coconut palm hoby-horse. this a frequently called the " fire dance ",for the sake of tourists. in both dances, a priest is always on hand to help bring the dancers out of their trance - state at the end of performance. Kecak DancesThe most famous of the balinese dances, the kecak, originated from the sanghyang dance choirs, who chant a distinctive " kechak kechak" accompaniment. the kecak, as a dance developed in the 1930' in the village pf bona,where a still performed regularly. the theme is taken from the ramayana and tells the story of rama, who, with the help pf the evil king rawana. this is a veryexciting dance to watch, and is performed by a large group of chanting men sitting in a circle, waving their arms and swaying to and fro, in time with the chants. Baris DancesThis is a warrior's is usally performed by a men, either solo, or in group of 5 more; the dancers try to portray the full range of emotions displayed by a warior anger, courage, ferocity and passion. this dance requires great skill, with the artistfaving to display the whole range on inner emotions, mainly through facial expression. Topeng ( Mask ) DancesIn bali, mask are considered sacred objects, and are revered as such. the best ones are traditionally carved on auspicious days, and the dancers who wear them are believed to be possesed by the spirits of the mask. characters can be identified from the shape of the features; noble characters always wear full, refined mask; while evil is represented by bulging eyes and garish colours. the characters silent, but communicate using complex gestures of the hand, head and body. the story lines usually follow popular mysths, or episodes from history. Wayang kulitWayang kulit ( shadow puppet ) is one of the great story telling traditions of the javanese and balinese. the wayang show normally consists of a small 4-piece orchestra, which provides the musical accompaniment, around 60' puppets' carved out of flat pieces of water buffalo hide, and the dalang, or puppet-master. the dalang has to be both incredibly skilled, as well as knowledgeable. he not only manipulates allthe puppets, but has to provide a different ' voice' for each one. with good characters normally speakingin ancient ' kawi' and evil or coarse characters speaking balinese; the dalang, therefore, has to be fluent in both languages. although traditonal dramas cover a wide variety of themes, the most popular are stories taken from the mahabarata. |
posted by global article @ 04.49  |
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Senin, 20 Oktober 2008 |
Artikel Alang Alang |
| Alang Alang(Imperata cylindrica (L.)Beauv.) | Sinonim : Lagurus cylindricus L. , Imperata arundinacea Cirillo. | Familia : Poaceae |
Uraian : Perawakan: herba, rumput, merayap, tinggi 30-180 cm. Batang: rimpang, merayap di bawah tanah, batang tegak membentuk satu perbungaan, padat, pada bukunya berambut jarang. Daun: tunggal, pangkal saling menutup, helaian; berbentuk pita, ujung runcing tajam, tegak, kasar, berambut jarang, ukuran 12-80 cm. x 35-18 cm. Bunga: susunan majemuk bulir majemuk, agak menguncup, panjang 6-28 cm, setiap cabang memiliki 2 bulir, cabang 2,5-5 cm, tangkai bunga 1-3 mm, gluma 1; ujung bersilia, 3-6 urat, Lemma 1 (sekam); bulat telur melebar, silia pendek 1,5-2,5 mm. Lemma 2 (sekam); memanjang, runcing 0,5-2,5 mm. Palea (sekam); 0,75-2 mm. Benang sari: kepala sari 2,5-3,5 mm, putih kekuningan atau ungu. Putik: kepala putik berbentuk bulu ayam. Buah: tipe padi. Biji: berbentuk jorong, panjang 1 mm lebih. Waktu berbunga : Januari - Desember. Daerah distribusi, Habitat dan Budidaya: Di Jawa tumbuh pada ketinggian sampai dengan 2700 m dpl, pada daerah-daerah terbuka atau setengah tertutup; rawa-rawa; pada tanah dengan aerasi yang baik; pada daerah-daerah yang habis dibuka; di tepi sungai; ekstensif pada hutan sekunder; daerah bekas terbakar; sebagai gulma di perladangan; taman dan perkebunan. Tumbuhan ini dapat mempengaruhi tanaman kultivasi lain, karena kebutuhan natrium yang relatif tinggi. Perbanyakan: berkembang biak dengan sendirinya. Setiap saat rimpang dipanen dari tumbuhan yang telah matang. Rimpang yang baik berwarna pucat, berasa manis dan sejuk. Alang-alang dapat menuyebabkan penurunan pH tanah. Besarnya penurunan pH dan hambatan terhadap proses nitrifikasi menunjukkan adanya korelasi positif dengan pertumbuhan alang-alang. Nama Lokal : NAMA DAERAH: Naleueng lakoe (Aceh); Jih (Gayo); Rih, Ri (Batak); Oo (Nias); Alalang, Hilalang, Ilalang (Minang kabau); Lioh (Lampung); Halalang, Tingen, Padang, Tingan, Puang, Buhang, Belalang, Bolalang (Dayak); Eurih (Sunda); Alang-alang kambengan (Jawa); Kebut, Lalang (Madura); Ambengan, Lalang (BaIi); Kii, Rii (FIores); Padengo, Padanga (Gorontalo); Deya (Bugis); Erer, Muis, Wen (Seram); Weli, Welia, Wed (Ambon). NAMA ASING: Cogon grass, satintail (En). Paillotte (Fr). Malaysia: lalang, alang-alang. Papua New Guinea: kunai (Pidgin), kurukuru (Barakau, Central Province). Philippines: kogon (Tagalog), gogon (Bikol), bulum (Ifugao). Burma (Myanmar): kyet-mei. Cambodia: sbö':w. Laos: hnha:z kh'a:. Thailand: ya-kha, laa laeng, koe hee (Karen, Mae Hong Son). Vietnam: c [or] tranh. NAMA SIMPLISIA Imperatae Rhizoma; rimpang alang-alang Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati : Rimpang: pelembut kulit; peluruh air seni, pembersih darah, penambah nafsu makan, penghenti perdarahan. di samping itu dapat digunakan pula dalam upaya pengobatan penyakit kelamin (kencing nanah, kencing darah, raja singa), penyakit ginjal, luka, demam, tekanan darah tinggi dan penyakit syaraf. Semua bagian tumbuhan digunakan sebagai pakan hewan,bahan kertas,dan untuk pengobatan kurap. EFEK BIOLOGI dan FARMAKOLOGI Infusa rimpang alang-alang berefek sebagai diuretika, atas dasar peningkatan konsentrasi elektrolit (Na,K,Cl) urin tikus putih jantan. Pemberian infusa akar alang-alang dengan dosis 40, 50, 60, 70 g/kgBB berefek antipiretik pada marmot. Infusa bunga alang-alang pada konsentrasi 10% dengan dosis 12 ml/ kgBB berefek antipiretik yang relatif sama dengan suspensi parasetamol 10% pada merpati. Uji Klinik: Dekokta akar alang-alang dengan dosis 250-300 g, 2 kali pagi dan sore dapat menyembuhkan 27 kasus dari 30 penderita nefritis akut. Pada nefritis kronis, herba alang-alang dapat mengurangi edema dan menurunkan tekanan darah. Dekokta herba 250 g dalam bentuk tunggal maupun dikombinasikan dengan rimpang dan daun Nelumbo nucifera dan daun Agrimonia pilosa dapat mengobati epistaksis (mimisan), hemoptisis (batuk darah), hematuri (kencing darah), menorrhagia, dan perdarahan gastrointestinal bagian atas. Di samping itu dilaporkan juga bahwa dekokta akar alang-alang dapat efektif untuk pengobatan hepatitis viral akut pada 28 kasus; biasanya digunakan bersama-sama dengan Plantago asiatica, Glechoma longituba dan tunas Artemisia capillaris. Toksisitas: Pada pemakaian sesuai aturan, praktis tidak toksik. Efek yang tidak dfinginkan: Pusing, mual, adanya peningkatan rasa ingin buang air besar, kadang-kadang terjadi pada penggunaan klinik. Teknologi Farmasi: Selulosa daun alang-alang mempunyai daya serap terhadap air yang relatif cukup baik dalam pembuatan tablet secara cetak langsung. Pemanfaatan : BAGIAN YANG DIGUNAKAN: Hanya akarnya (rimpang) yang digunakan untuk pengobatan CONTOH PEMAKAIAN DI MASYARAKAT: Sebagai peluruh air seni: 49 buah rimpang kering, dipotong-potong kemudian ditambah dengan 2 gelas air dan dididihkan hingga volume air tinggal 1 gelas, disaring, kemudian diminum 2 kali sehari. Demam karena buang air kecil berdarah: 1 sendok penuh rimpang alang-alang, rebus dengan beberapa potong tang kwe (daging buah beligu setengah matang yang dibuat manisan kering) dalam dua gelas sampai airnya tinggal separuh. Air ini diminum 2 gelas 1 hari. Air kencing akan normal dan suhu badan turun. "Zwartwaterkoorts" (Bld): Minum air rebusan akar alang alang sebagai teh. Komposisi : Akar: metabolit yang telah ditemukan pada akar alang-alang ter.diri dari arundoin, fernenol, isoarborinol, silindrin, simiarenol, kampesterol, stigmasterol, ß-sitosterol, skopoletin, skopolin, p-hidroksibenzaladehida, katekol, asam klorogenat, asam isoklorogenat, asam p-kumarat, asam neoklorogenat, asam asetat, asam oksalat, asam d-malat, asam sitrat, potassium (0,75% dari berat kering), sejumlah besar kalsium dan 5-hidroksitriptamin. Dari hasil penelitian lain terhadap akar dan daun ditemukan 5 macam turunan flavonoid yaitu turunan 3',4',7-trihidroksi flavon, 2',3'-dihidroksi kalkon dan 6-hidroksi flavanol. Suatu turunan flavonoid yang kemungkinan termasuk golongan flavon, flavonol tersubstitusi pada 3-0H, flavanon atau isoflavon terdapat pada fraksi ekstrak yang larut dalam etilasetat akar alang-alang. Pada fraksi ekstrak yang larut dalam air akar alang-alang ditemukan golongan senyawa flavon tanpa gugus OH bebas, flavon, flavonol tersubstitusi pada 3-0H, flavanon, atau isoflavon. |
posted by global article @ 22.51  |
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Artikel Akar Wangi |
| Akar Wangi(Vitiveria zizanioides (L,) Nash. Ex, Small) | Sinonim : Andropogon zizanioides Urban. Andropogon squarrosus Hackel. Andropogon muricatus Retz. | Familia : Poaceae (Gramineae). |
Uraian : Rumput menahun, tinggi dapat mencapai 1 meter. Batang lunak, beruas-ruas, berwarna putih. Daun tunggal, bentuk pita, ujung runcing. Pelepah memeluk batang, warna hijau keputih-putihan. Perbungaan bentuk bulir di ujung batang. Buah padi, berduri, berwarna putih kotor. Akar termasuk akar serabut berwarna kuning. Bagian yang digunakan Akar dan minyak atsiri. Nama Lokal : NAMA DAERAH Useur (Gayo); Hapias, Usar (Batak); Akar babau (Minangkabau); Akar banda (Timor); Iser, Morwastu (Sumatera Utara); Usa, Urek usa (Makasar); Janur, Narawastu, Usar (Sunda); Larasetu, Larawastu, Rarawestu (Jawa). NAMA ASING: NAMA SIMPLISIA Vitiveriae Radix; Akar wangi. Oleum Vitiveriae aetheriae; Minvak Akar wangi. Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati : Khasiat Diaforetik. KEGUNAAN Bau mulut (obat kumur). Rematik (obat luar). RAMUAN DAN TAKARAN Napas/Mulut bau Ramuan: Akar wangi beberapa potong Daun Sirih segar 2 lembar Herba Pegagan segar 1 genggam Buah Kapulaga 6 butir Air 110 ml Cara pembuatan: Dibuat infus. Cara pemakaian: Untuk berkumur 2 kali sehari, tiap kali pakai 100 ml Bila perlu dapat diencerkan dengan air hangat, sebagian dapat ditelan karena tidak berbahaya. Komposisi : Akar: Minyak atsiri, hars, dan zat pahit. Minyak: Vetiverin, vetiveron, veton, dan vetivazulen. Kegunaan Bau mulut (obat kumur). Rematik (obat luar). |
posted by global article @ 22.48  |