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Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008
Borobudur Many theories try to explain that the name of this temple. One of them states that the name is likely derived from the word Sambharabhudhara, which means mountain (bhudara) where the slope-lerengnya located terraces. In addition terdapatbeberapa etymology other people. For example, the word comes from a speech Borobudur "the Buddha" because of the shifting sounds to be Borobudur. Another explanation is that the name is derived from two words "fire" and "beduhur." Perhaps the word fire comes from the Buddhist monasteries, while there are other explanations in coals which comes from the Sanskrit language which means temple or a monastery complex and beduhur.
Historians J.G. de Casparis argues that Borobudur is a place where cult. Based on the inscription Karangtengah and Kahulunan, Casparis estimate, founder of the Borobudur is the king of the dynasty called Syailendra Samaratungga around 824 M. Building a new giant that can be completed on time daughter, Queen Pramudawardhani. Development of Borobudur estimated take half a century.

Stuktur Borobudur

Borobudur shaped punden berundak, which consists of six levels of square-shaped, three-level round-shaped coil and a stupa as the main peak. In addition, all scattered in some degree-level stupa.

Borobudur the ten-storeyed clearly describes the philosophy Mahayana sect. like a book, Borobudur represents the ten levels of the Bodhisattva must be passed to achieve perfection to become the Buddha.

The foot symbolized the Kamadhatu Borobudur, the world is still dominated by the kama, or "low appetite." This section is largely closed by piles of stones that were supposed to be made to strengthen the construction of temples. In the closed structure, there are 120 additional panel Kammawibhangga story. Some small additional structure that disisihkan so that people can still see the relief on the part of this.

Four floors with wall berelief thereon by the experts called Rupadhatu. Square tiles covering the floor. Rupadhatu is a world that can liberate themselves from militancy, but still bound by the shapes and forms. This symbolizes the natural levels between namely, between nature and the nature of the bottom. In part this Rupadhatu Buddhist sculptures found in the nook-nook on the wall or during ballustrade.

Start the fifth to the seventh floor, walls are not berelief. Depth is called Arupadhatu (which means no tangible form or not). Floor map shaped circle. This symbolizes the natural level and above, where people are free from all forms of desire and ties and appearance, but have not reached nirvana. Buddha statues are placed in a stupa which closed holey as in the jail. From outside the statues that still appears uncertain.

The highest levels of the lack of existence symbolized a stupa of the largest and highest. Stupa described the plain, without holes. In the largest stupa is a Buddhist statue ever found that is not perfect or unfinished also called Buddha, the statue disalahsangkakan as Adibuddha, through the research further, there is no statue in the main stupa, the statue is not finished is a mistake pemahatnya in antiquity. according to the belief that a statue in the process of making it can not be destroyed. Archaeological excavation carried out in the pages of this temple sculptures find many like this.

In the past, several Buddhist statues along with 30 stones with relief, the two lion statues, some anchor-shaped stone, stairs and gates to be sent to the King of Thailand, Chulalongkorn visited the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) in the year 1896 as a gift from the government when the Dutch East Indies that.

Borobudur does not have spaces such as the glorification other temples. That there is the alleys that is a long narrow road. Alleys are limited to encircle the temple walls, level by level. In the alleys this Buddhist nation is estimated to perform the ritual walk to circumnavigate the right temple. The shape of the building, without room multilevel structure and level of development is suspected of punden berundak, which is a form of architecture from the prehistoric native Indonesia.

Borobudur structure when viewed from the top of the structure theater.

Borobudur is not the structure of the cement at all, but the interlock system, such as Lego block-beams that can be attached with glue.
posted by global article @ 11.16  
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